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The Fox and Crow Farm News

​We received a "Cease and Desist" letter on November 7th to halt all operations on our farm including the construction of our new personal use barn and use and access of our Rabbit Barn, Greenhouse and Cabins. They are requiring we go through Site Plan Review for a business that no longer exist on our farm. Nothing being conducted on our farm currently (or even planned in the unspecified future) requires Site Plan Review.


At no point prior to the issuing of the Cease and Desist were we ever notified of violations, questions or concerns. No one, at any time and even today, has asked us what we want to do with our barn. We assume they think this is being built as a wedding venue or something like that but not one person has asked us for clarification. 


Let me start off my offering a timeline of events and attach critical supporting documentation. This is a very complicated turn of events that has been further complicated from lack of communication and severe lack of diligence from the town and an extremely defamatory "op ed" piece, though very poorly written, from our towns Building Inspector . As a former Planning Board Clerk and a current Planning Board Member, I shared an office with and maintained a professional relationship with the town Building Inspector, as well as all members of the town office. My husband currently sits as a member on ZBA. What has evolved here is shocking. Jared and I can not believe how we have and are being treated.


8/3/2022: The Town of Barnstead issued us our first building permit for the new barn and attached ADU. Let me start by stating that the proposed structure was not only reviewed and permitted while we were actively engaged in farming and but we were never approached by any member of the town concerned with any of its intended use now or in the future.


Approved Building Permit


11/15/2024: We received our super "illegal" log cabin building permit. Note: there are no conditions noted. This was issued by the Barnstead Building Inspector after he signed the building permit for the barn and attached ADU. Disregard his false claims that we added the ADU later or that this was a surprise to him or anyone else at town hall. At no point were we approached about the intended use of the cabin OR whether it was a "dwelling unit" and conflicting with the already permitted ADU.


Log Cabin Building Permit


​6/19/2023: I appeared before ZBA with my mother-in-law to get special exception for the attached ADU (apartment) to the barn. I presented the septic design to the ZBA at that time. We were not presented with any issues or concerns regarding the design plan for the structures, septic design, intended use for now or in the future. Our request for Special Exception was approved.


ZBA Meeting Minutes


3/7/2024: While conducting normal and routine business as the Planning Board Clerk and a Planning Board Member, the towns building inspector become inflamed with the professional oversight by two professional engineers hired to oversee a proposed major subdivision. I was threatened to be sued for defamation by the Barnstead Building Inspector. I immediately documented the event with the town administrator, as per the Employee Handbook (I was an employee of the town at the time of this event) and was denied any sort of mediation or conciliation between us. You can see my email to the "department head" here.


Email Recapping the Incident


4/2/2024: We appeared before the Board of Selectmen in a private meeting. We had requested in the email dated 3/7/2024 that we would be seeking a 3rd party inspector to continue inspections and related needs for the building project on the farm. We felt like we would not be treated fairly without bias, harassment,  or professionally by the Barnstead Building Inspector. The town administrator told us that this request would be handled through the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen, during that meeting, told us that we would have to submit that request directly to the Building Inspector. We did not feel, due to the volatility of the inspectors behavior, that approaching him was acceptable. We then hired our attorney to represent us and get the request for 3rd party inspection started and confirmed. We were told that not only is getting a 3rd Party Inspector common but appropriate for various reasons and our reason being legitimate to us. We requested a neighboring town inspector, at our expense, but the town chose to use MRI. Our questions on who is to pay for this expense has yet to be answered. 


Our Attorney Request for 3rd Party Inspection


4/19/2024: You will see in several places where the Barnstead Building Inspector has "recused" or removed himself as inspector on our projects. He sent a private text to my husband stating:

"Hey Jared, I received your letter through your attorney, and wanted to reach out to you. First, I'm in agreement I think its for the best this way. I understand and respect your reasoning, as I am sure you understand I also have my reasons. Also to let you I have always admired your skills as a barn builder. I will let the Selectmen know that I also wish to recuse myself as inspector on projects completed on your property..." 

So why was he still engaged in our building project through town hall?


​8/22/2024: We posted to our farm social media page that we would be closing the farm store and we cancelled all onsite farm events and open houses. We have stated numerous times that closing our farm store was not a reaction to the Cease and Desist. I ask you to consider, given the behavior from the Board of Selectmen and the Barnstead Building Inspector and climate at town hall, would you want to pursue a future business plan? We chose to close our farm and just lay low.


9/6/2024: We had to renew our building permit for the barn so we submitted a new application with our floor plan, designs and septic design. The ADU was already part of the original permit and was not added after. We received a signed and approved Building permit. Signed by Gary Madden (Board of Selectmen). At no point during the review of our application were any concerns or questions brought up to us about our barn plans, septic design, etc. Our septic design had been on file with the town now for almost 18 months at this point. We were never approached about our farm operations or any other structures on our farm.


Current Building Permit


10/8/2024: Our plumber submitted the application for a plumbing permit at town hall and paid the corresponding fees. He began work on the plumbing for the barn and the ADU.


Plumbing Permit


10/19/2024: We hosted our final “OPEN HOUSE” event on the farm, offered 50% everything in the store and closed the farm store and our farm to the public.


10/21/2024: Since the details about how we were to retain our 3rd Party inspector had changed (we were supposed to be in direct contact and communication with our 3rd party inspector) we were now being told that all correspondence was to go through the town administrator. She was to act as the liaison between the Board of Selectmen and our Inspector. At this point we, nor our plumber, were ever notified that the Plumbing Permit had been denied. We were completely unaware that there were any issues with our barn project, our farm or our farm operations. Jared requested the plumbing inspection and left the drains open and exposed. Our septic system had been installed just weeks before this. When our inspector arrived he noted that he had just met with the Barnstead Building Inspector at Town Hall and that there were “issues” here on our farm. He refused to inspect our plumbing since our plumbing permit had been denied (first we heard of this) and claimed we didn’t even have a building permit for the barn. He made assumptions about the intended use of the barn. He wasn’t able to see our structures around the property but knew that we have a unpermitted cabin, greenhouse and rabbit barn (see our response to these issues). This inspector was from Rye, NH so clearly this list of infractions was handed to him to deliver to us. He was clearly not here for an inspection but rather to snoop. You can read his “finding” here on the timeline. I immediately documented the visit and emailed our concerns to the town administrator. She promised a response. We contacted our attorney and he tried to get more details for us. We were ignored until November 7th, when the Cease and Desist letter came. Our brand new plumbing was left exposed during this entire time despite stating the concern that it could flood and move the piping in the ground and that we were missing our deadline to pour concrete. We immediately submitted plumbing plans to the town via email.


Email Regarding the Inspection Visit


10/22/2023: I hand delivered Building Permit Applications to the town for the Greenhouse (not even 200 sq ft so we rescinded that), the cabin in the woods and the rabbit barn. I brought checks with me but they would not accept our money for the applications. 


Greenhouse Permit Application

Rabbit Shed Permit Application

Cabin Permit Application


10/28/2024: We requested a cancellation of our business insurance policy due to closing the farm.


11/7/2024: We received our Cease and Desist Letter and the “findings” from the “inspection” by the 3rd Party Inspector. They failed to acknowledge that we had already addressed the unpermitted structures, they failed to acknowledge that the rental use of our cabin without a “conditional use permit” was null since the actually permit document is currently still not available to the public for use and that we ceased renting the cabin, and they also failed to acknowledge that our farm store had been closed and completely liquidated and we were no longer open to the public or operating as a business in any capacity.


Cease and Desist Letter


11/9/2024: We shared with our customers that our farm will not be reopening to the public. 


11/11/2024: Our Attorney had a chance to respond and requested that they reverse the Cease and Desist. Jared and I included our response and offered some supporting documentation about the farm being closed, cancelling our business insurance policy, and an explanation about our septic system design and the other issues. We requested to appear before the Board at their 11/12/2024 public meeting to discuss their issues with us directly.


Response to Cease and Desist Letter


11/12/2024: We requested to sit directly in front of the Board of Selectmen to answer any of their questions or concerns. This would be the first time we would be face to face with them and we were there to resolve any issues. In this meeting we were told that they all had time to review the supporting documentation from us and our attorney. We discussed the fragility of the exposed plumbing, the time frame for pouring concrete and moving our mom into her apartment by Christmas. They had no questions or concerns to address to us directly but promised a swift response. After the meeting minutes were posted we realized that they continued to discuss our case after we had left the meeting leaving us, again, unable to respond to them directly to try to resolve their concerns or questions head on.


Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes


11/20/2024: We were asked to resubmit a new plumbing permit application but omit the “kitchen” rough plumbing in the application. We submitted this immediately! Mind you, the rough plumbing for the potential future kitchen and bathroom had already been installed. We were anticipating an inspection of the plumbing so we could backfill it.


Current Plumbing Permit Application


It was stated to the town administrator that in order to have a plumbing inspection we would need to have the plumber come to fix the exposed pipes in the ground that shifted when the trenches flooded. We would need some sort of confirmation that our plumbing permit was reinstated and that the cease and desist had been lifted in order to conduct the work on the barn.


11/26/2024: We were told that the Board of Selectmen would meet to discuss this at their meeting.

The Board of Selectmen agreed not to reinstate our plumbing permit or lift the Cease and Desist and provided us with ZERO documentation or explanation. 


12/3/2024: The Board of Selectmen were to meeting with the town attorney to discuss our Cease and Desist letter. We were hopeful for some sort of update or clarification. We were told they weren’t able to meet with the Attorney but would try again next week. We still had not received a response to our 11/11/2024 letter.


12/4/2024: We were left with no other option than to appeal the Cease and Desist from the Board of Selectmen. Our entire packet for the appeal is attached here.


ZBA Appeal

ZBA Appeal Packet


12/12/2024: Just days before our ZBA appeal we received a rescinded Cease and Desist from the town. As of this date, we still do not have a single permit. We are still unable to move forward and are being ignored by the town. 


Rescinded Cease and Desist


12/13/2024: The “Greenhouse” cited in the Cease and Desist was determined by town hall that it did not require a building permit since the structure is less than 200 sq ft. No one measured it, No one needed confirmation, just a simple note from us was sufficient. We notified them on 10/21 via email. Perhaps a single phone call or visit here could have prevented this entire cease and desist all together. 


Updated Notice Regarding the Greenhouse


12/13/2024: This clearly did not sit well with the Barnstead Building Inspector, the antagonist. He shared a wild and poorly written "op ed" piece to the town of Barnstead's Community Social Media Page, a page of over 10,000 followers.  


His Public Statement


Now, let me begin by stating that the state of New Hampshire has a defamation law for a reason. It's one thing to spout off your hurt feelings in public, though frowned upon from adults, it's another thing to knowingly make false statements about a person(s) and/or their businesses to cause them personal harm. 

The Barnstead Building Inspector shares an office with the Planning Board and Zoning Board Clerk and is able to ask questions, seek facts or even attend meetings. Making false statements, assumptions and not knowing the facts is severe negligence on his end. The town should consider disciplinary action for what he has done.

We have been very careful in terms of not using names or making claims or accusations. We stick to the facts and the facts are plenty and easy to understand the "bigger picture" without whining and throwing a public temper tantrum. 

We were very concerned that we would not be treated fairly, honestly and respectfully by the Barnstead Building Inspector, and his admission to participating in the cease and desist in his public statement confirms that we were being treated with bias and harassment vicariously through the Board of Selectmen.

The Board of Selectmen had an obligation to "turn down the heat" and protect the public's interest. This is not the case. They denied my request for mediation. I was never allowed to meet with the Board of Selectmen or the Building Inspector directly, despite my request to do so,  to attempt any form of resolution.

They ignored our concerns and reasonable request to put distance between us and the Barnstead Building Inspector. They ignored our attempts to come into compliance and rectify our "violations" here. 

For those of you concerned about your Tax Money being used for this case, let me explain this to you:

  • We requested a fair, non-bias approach with the town long before hiring an attorney. They ignored our request.

  • We requested a local building inspector, at our expense, and the town chose MRI.

  • We were asked that we be treated without bias and harassment from the Barnstead Building Inspector. The town knowingly ignored that request and allowed it to go on. (now confirmed by the Building Inspector himself)

  • Items in the Cease and Desist were invalid and based on incorrect information.

    • We did not violate the Short Term Rental ordinance.

    • Site Plan Review was falsely stated as a requirement.

    • The Conditional Use Permit was not completed or available to the public to use. ​

    • This shows extreme examples of defamation since the Barnstead Building Inspector knows, or should have known, that these requirements did not exist. He made a statement that they were required and that we were guilty of not adhering to them.

      • Let me ask: of a town of dozens and dozens of Short Term Rentals in the town of Barnstead, how many this summer had the Barnstead Building Inspector reviewed, inspected or approved? How many did Site Plan Review? How many used the Conditional Use Permit? ZERO! But apparently we were supposed to? 

    • None of the agricultural activities or our Farm Stand were in violation of the town and were within our right as a farm through the State of New Hampshire.​

    • Our cabins are not ADU's or even dwelling units, as he so falsely claims. They have no running water, electricity, heat, septic, are not insulated for year round occupation. They do not have "dedicated sleeping, cooking or sanitation" as per the definition in the Zoning Ordinance.

      • If this is the case, one would ask, why would we be permitted a cabin and an ADU by the same person claiming violation? He signed both building permits.​

    • There is zero evidence that we have taken a building permit for one thing and used it for another. 

    • Our log cabin was not permitted with "conditions" and has not been rented out to the general public.

    • Septic Systems are NOT required for structures where pressurized water is absent.

    • NHDES does not require a permit, nor does the town of Barnstead, for Privy's (latrines, outhouses). We are not in violation of that either.

      • As a professional Septic Installer, Health Officer and Code Enforcement Officer, one would expect the Barnstead Building Inspector knows this. ​


We have and will continue to work diligently and in good faith with the town to try to move forward, however, the town is not acting in the same capacity for us. 

Despite lifting the cease and desist they have still not provided us with a Plumbing Permit for the barn or a building permit for the Windfall Cabin. We are not able to obtain a plumbing inspection so we can backfill our trenches and exposed piping since we do not have a plumbing permit.

Due to the defamatory post made by the Barnstead Building Inspector and his admission to colluding with the former 3rd Party Building Inspector and Board of Selectmen with regard to our Cease and Desist, we simply asked that we be assigned new neutral 3rd Party Building Inspector. The town, astonishingly, has not honored our request. 


That says it all, in my opinion.


12/20/2024: We finally received a Building Permit for the Rabbit Shed. We are not sure whose signature that is on the permit but it looks to be the Barnstead Building Inspector, the one that recused himself. The inspector we asked to be removed from our projects here on our farm due to bias and harassment. The inspector who stated he would remove himself. The inspector who so publically shared his bias and disdain towards us on the towns Community Social Media Page. In an attempt to develop a new relationship with a new neutral 3rd party inspector, one who has not been working in direct relationship with the Barnstead Building Inspector, it seems the town is not willing to ensure we have that privilege. All we have asked of the town is to allow us to work with a neutral 3rd party inspector, free from bias and harassment. We applied for the building permit for this rabbit shed on 10/22/2024. It has taken 2 months to get the permit. Notice the conditions "not to be used / converted into a dwelling unit." Do they write that on your building permits for shed or is that just for us?


Rabbit Shed Building Permit


​12/22/2024: We kept all of our business and disagreements between us and the town and have been working with the town to resolve them. The Barnstead Building Inspector keeps inserting himself right between us and the town. He had recused himself and very publically shared that already. Strange that he has so much to say about us and our farm business with the town. He just can't seem to stay off the Barnstead Community Page sharing untruths and misinformation. To read the latest "op ed", you can find it here.


12/22/2024 Facebook Slander by the Barnstead Building Inspector


My favorite quote from this:

"I got burnt by them on the “Hunting Cabin” that they told me was merely a neat little hunting blind for their use, yet it turned into a rental cabin to the public that never received CO or STR approvals."


"Hunting Blind?"

I have documented evidence that he has seen this cabin in person.

He has zero evidence it was ever rented to the public. It has never been rented to the public and I can prove it. 

A little story about this cabin. This very person had approached both Jared and I about building one for him. He even offered help installing a septic system if that was something we chose to do in the future. This was all while being in the public eye with our ADU, cabin, farm store etc without an ounce of concern or issue from anyone, town included.


"I found it interesting that their cabin rentals would never have been approved if they followed the guidelines of the applications requirements."


Could it be that we possibly did not have plans to offer our cabins as short term rentals? â€‹There are very strong opinions about our "rental cabins" that are not available for rent to the public at all. Period. End of story!


One would ask, "To what end?"

What exactly does the Barnstead Building Inspector want from us?

Our farm is closed, we have no business here, site plan review is not required, the cabins are not being rented, our unpermitted structures have been dealt with, the cease and desist has been lifted.

What more?

We even had a septic designer come, proactively, to inspect our privy's.

This is clear and simple harassment.


12/31/2024: We finally received our Plumbing Permit for the new barn and have had our electrician pull the electrical permits for the approved ADU and barn.


Plumbing Permit

Electrical Permit for 400 amp service

Electrical Permit


When I went to pick up the permits I was asked if it was ok that the Barnstead Building Inspector had signed them. I responded "No". It was my understanding that the Barnstead Building Inspector had recused himself. (He stated this numerous times on social media and yet he is emailing my husband and signing our permits) I replied that Gary Madden (Board of Selectmen) had signed our building permit in September and we have a 3rd party inspector so why would the Barnstead Building Inspector even need to sign them at all? 

Given the completely inappropriate behavior and social media post from the Barnstead Building Inspector, one would hope that the town has the best interest of the resident. We have asked numerous times that distance be put between us since there is clearly irreconcilable differences here but the town is not interested in that, clearly.


1/2/2025: At our regular Planning Board Meeting, just before we were to adjourn, the Planning Board Chair made an announcement regarding inappropriate social media posting. The conversation was directed towards me in relationship to the social media posting I have been sharing on my personally owned farm page. 

I want to note:

  • I have not violated any Rules of Procedure. None of my post are directly related to any applicants or applications we see before the board.

  • Not a single social media post that I have made has been directed towards any member of our board or any board discussion. My post were strictly related to our Cease and Desist and I have been very careful to refrain from being personal, emotional or unprofessional and have shared public documents and public information. 

The concern was how my posts were reflecting on the reputation of the Planning Board as a whole and I offered a sincere apology for any harm I may have caused my board members. That was never my intention.

I reiterated that at no point did I bring any of my personal issues with the town to the planning board or any public meetings. It was the town (Board of Selectmen) that directly interjected our dealings at a public planning board meeting at their discretion.

I stated that I have never shared or commented, at any time, to a public community page like the Barnstead Community Facebook page that host over 10,000 followers. I'm not even on that page. (Although a town employee has on numerous occasions and the information in those post were actually quite damning to the reputation of the planning board * Please go back and read those on this webspage * but that person was not there to offer an apology to our board)

We have a right to FREE Speech and I have always been open to sharing the highs and lows of our farm and productivity on the farm. This situation being no different, in my opinion.

What's even more shocking was how the meeting was being conducted. 

A member from the Board of Selectmen sat in the public area with an an employee of the town video recording me from her personal cell phone. Another member of the Board of Selectmen sat at the table with the Planning Board and basically (in so many words and I do have the recording) said:


"you are telling people that come before you requirements that are put in place that you did not bother to do"


I feel like I am on repeat here when I keep saying... The requirement for me to submit Site Plan Review was found to be unnecessary. The requirement for me to submit the Conditional Use Permit for Short Term rentals, also was not valid and required. Are we guilty of not getting 2 building permits from years ago? Yes. But the application for the permits were submitted PRIOR to the issuing of the Cease and Desist. 


"you have basically tainted the rest of this planning board because now the perception is out there they're letting you get away with this"


Get away with what?


And then I was told that I "attacked the Barnstead Building Inspector". 


I disagree profoundly with that and the meeting minutes tell a totally different story from that public meeting.


The board of selectmen then told me that she thinks I should resign. I told her that I respect her opinion. 


Notes from the December 19th Meeting Minutes: Short Term Rental Use Permit


"There is no Site Plan Review, only between applicant and town official."

"N. Carr clarified, the change to Zoning Ordinance in March, they wanted to add the permit but wasnt available until the application was done."

"Its not available yet to the public"


This is important to know since they (The Board of Selectmen) seem to think that I should have completed a "Short Term Conditional Use Permit" (a permit that was not yet and still not available for public use) for my rental cabin, a cabin I am no longer offering for rent to anyone. Am I missing something? 


This was a hot topic at last night's meeting and yet so invalid and moot, which I publicly stated. 


I will not be resigning from my position as a member of the Planning Board. I will also not stop sharing public information related to me or my farm.


Make it well known that I showed up to the public meeting. I apologized to my fellow members for any of the harm I am may have caused. I sincerely meant it too. I don't think it's appropriate for a single Planning Board member to be so singled out and treated this way in a public meeting. I never asked for this to become part of the Planning Board agenda. I wasn't even on the agenda so clearly this wasn't a fairly posted agenda item where the members of the public had a chance to participate. Is that even legal?


You know who didn't show up at the meeting?

You know who hasn't apologized for any of the harmful social media posting to the Barnstead Community page of over 10,000 followers? 

You know who this person reports to?

The Board of Selectmen.

© 2025 by The Fox and Crow Farm

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